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diumenge, 16 de desembre del 2012

Factory Service Mode Downgrade with E3?

Factory Service Mode Downgrade with E3?:
So got my e3 flasher today and started downgrading my ps3 from 4.30ofw.

All has went perfect so far. I am now at the part where I am asked too connect the controller. This is where I enter FSM right?

now I dont have a dongle so I am/was planning to use PS3JIG on my brothers psp. It is on version 6.60 cfw I think.

Anyway I start ps3jig, turn on ps3 and press eject. The psp shows the connection thing etc and says done, BUT my ps3 wont turn off as its supposed too? Any ideas guys as I have searched the forums and internet and cant find anything?
