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dissabte, 16 d’abril del 2016

BlackBerry no es tan seguro como dicen

Juan Diego Polo en Wwwhat's new? - Hace 2 días
Uno de los puntos fuertes de BlackBerry siempre ha sido la seguridad, o al menos así lo han indicado siempre desde la compañía: pueden perder en funcionalidades, pero los altos ejecutivos usan BlackBerry porque es más seguro que otras plataformas. Esa afirmación resultó no ser tan cierta. En Vice y motherboard han publicado un artículo

Abuela por primera vez usa el Autopilot de un Tesla y se asusta un poco….. bueno, más que un poco

Hector Russo en Geek's RooM - Hace 2 días
[image: Abuela por primera vez usa el Autopilot de un Tesla y se asusta un poco….. bueno, más que un poco] El sitio Carbuzz publicó un vídeo en su página de Facebook que quizás a muchos los haga reir, pero a la abuela que fue filmada probablemente no. El vídeo muestra a una abuela en el asiento del conductor y no digo al volante, ya que el volante no lo tocó para nada, el mismo Autopilot (piloto automático) de un Tesla condujo el automóvil por un rato, hasta que el acompañante, apiadándose de la pobre abuela, tomó el volante, a igual que la abuela y le dijo que frenara. Continúa le...más »

Borra por accidente toda la información de su empresa con una sola línea de código: rm -rf /

Matías S. Zavia en Gizmodo en Español - Hace 2 días
Un hombre ha acabado con su propia empresa tras ejecutar el comando más célebre de la consola de Linux en todos los servidores que gestionaba. “*Siento decirte que tu empresa está esencialmente muerta*”, sentencia un usuario del foro Server Fault. Todo empezó hace tres días con el siguiente mensaje: Read more...

Encuentran un "monstruo" en el fondo del lago Ness, pero no es lo que piensas

Eduardo Marín en Gizmodo en Español - Hace 2 días
Una compañía noruega que investigaba el famoso lago Ness de Escocia ha resuelto uno de los misterios más grandes de la zona durante las últimas décadas al encontrar el “monstruo” del lago Ness; pero no el real, sino el artificial que crearon hace casi 50 años para grabar una película. Read more...

'Winner-winner' behavior may shape animal hierarchies, study argues

Researchers have developed a behavioral model that explains the complexity and diversity of social hierarchies in ants, and which scientists believe may help us understand the nature of other animal societies -- from primates to dolphins.

A new system for color vision

The swirling skies of Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night illustrate a mystery that has eluded biologists for more than a century -- why do we perceive the color blue in the dimly lit night sky? A newly discovered mechanism of color vision in mice might help answer this question, researchers say.

For women, waiting to have children until after 30 minimizes career income losses

Working women who want to minimize career income losses related to motherhood should wait until they are about 30 years old to have their first children, suggests new research. The work seems to hold true regardless of whether a woman has earned a college degree.

Using ultrasound screening for fetal microcephaly

The Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine released a statement on the use of ultrasound screening for fetal microcephaly following Zika virus exposure.

Europa's heaving ice might make more heat than scientists thought

A new set of experiments sheds light on how much heat is created when ice is deformed, which could help scientists understand the possibility of a subsurface ocean on one of Jupiter's moons.

SPECT-MRI fusion minimizes surgery for diagnosis of early-stage cervical cancer patients

Cervical cancer patients without enlarged lymph nodes could benefit from SPECT-MRI imaging of their sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) to assess whether metastases are present.

Forest discovery: Trees trade carbon among each other

Forest trees use carbon not only for themselves; they also trade large quantities of it with their neighbors, botanists report. The extensive carbon trade among trees -- even among different species -- is conducted via symbiotic fungi in the soil.

Memory may aid emotion regulation, particularly in older adults

In a study exploring the relationship between memory for specific past experiences and recovery from strong negative emotions, research psychologists report that episodic memory may be more important in helping midlife and older adults recover from a negative event than it is for younger adults.

Enzyme in myelination process could lead to better understanding of neurological disorders

The removal of the enzyme Dnmt1 during oligodendrocyte progenitor cell (OPC) differentiation in the central nervous system resulted in inefficient myelin formation and neurological deterioration, including loss of control of bodily movements, in mice, report scientists.

Visualizing, predicting evolution by mapping the elusive 'fitness landscape'

Suppose you were trying to design a vaccine to combat next season's influenza virus. Having a detailed map that tells you exactly how various strains of the flu bug will evolve would be extremely helpful, explain researchers. Creating just that sort of map is the goal of evolutionary biologists who study a conceptual tool called the fitness landscape, which provides a way to visualize and predict evolution.

Mice with genetic defect for human stuttering offer new insight into speech disorder

Mice that vocalize in a repetitive, halting pattern similar to human stuttering may provide insight into a condition that has perplexed scientists for centuries, according to a new study. These mice, which carry a mutation in a gene associated with stuttering in humans, may help scientists understand the biological basis of the disorder, and potentially lead to treatments.

Great Barrier Reef risks losing tolerance to bleaching events

New research suggests that Great Barrier Reef (GBR) corals were able to survive past bleaching events because they were exposed to a pattern of gradually warming waters in the lead up to each episode. However, this protective pattern is likely to be lost under near future climate change scenarios.