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dissabte, 16 d’abril del 2016

Sway ahora con soporte para la inclusión de vídeos y otras mejoras

Fco. José Hidalgo en Wwwhat's new? - Hace 2 días
Sway, la herramienta multiplataforma para la creación de presentaciones con acabados profesionales de Microsoft, sigue avanzando con las numerosas mejoras que va recibiendo continuamente en base a la retroalimentación que Microsoft va recibiendo de los propios usuarios. En este sentido, la compañía ha presentado las últimas novedades llevadas a Sway, siendo la principal de ellas

Never-before-seen galaxy spotted orbiting the Milky Way

New Scientist - Home - Hace 2 días
The Crater 2 dwarf is our galaxy's fourth biggest satellite, but its ghostly nature let it elude detection - until now

Wireless signal sent through meat fast enough to watch Netflix

New Scientist - Home - Hace 2 días
Ultrasonic waves transmit data through soft tissue 1000 times faster than radio, which could help medical implants send and receive high-definition video

How to make apps that help Europe-bound Syrian refugees

New Scientist - Home - Hace 2 días
Syrian refugees are the most tech-savvy migrants in history and developers are creating apps to help them – but high-tech solutions aren't always best

M4Believe es un smartphone mexicano que compite de tú a tú con los grandes fabricantes

Matías S. Zavia en Gizmodo en Español - Hace 2 días
Este es el teléfono con el que M4 espera llegar al millón de unidades vendidas en México. La empresa mexicana opera ya en siete países de América Latina y tiene el foco puesto en seguir creciendo con el empuje de Telcel. El nuevo M4Believe es un smartphone 4G de 5 pulgadas que cuesta menos de 3000 pesos. Read more...

¿Se completará la venta de Opera Software?

Jaime Domenech en Silicon - Hace 2 días
La venta de Opera Software ha sufrido un frenazo y necesita más apoyos entre los accionistas para llevarse a cabo.

Strong quake kills 2 injures 45 in Japan

At least two people were killed and 45 injured by a magnitude-6.5 earthquake that knocked down houses and buckled roads in southern Japan on Thursday night.

A simple and efficient 3-D fabrication technique for bio-inspired hierarchical structures

Nature is no doubt the world's best biological engineer, whose simple, exquisite but powerful designs have inspired scientists and engineers to tackle the challenges of technologies for centuries. Scientists recently mimicked the surface structure of a moth's eye, a unique structure with an antireflective property, to develop a highly light-absorbent graphene material. This is breakthrough in solar cell technology. Rice leaves and butterfly wings also have unique self-cleaning surface characteristics, which inspire scientists to develop novel materials resistant to biofouling. The b... más »

Dino dinner, dead or alive

When asked to think of meat-eating dinosaurs we usually conjure images of voracious predators chasing down helpless prey. These visions are no doubt inspired by the depiction of species such as Tyrannosaurs rex and Velociraptor in the movie Jurassic Park; however, new research conducted at Trinity College Dublin suggests that many of these species might be better remembered as oversized, scaly or feathered hyenas.

Surface mutation lets canine parvovirus jump to other species

Canine parvovirus, or CPV, emerged as a deadly threat to dogs in the late 1970s, most likely the result of the direct transfer of feline panleukopenia or a similar virus from domesticated cats.

Coding and computers help spot methane, explosives

A modern twist on an old technology could soon help detect rogue methane leaks, hidden explosives and much more. A Duke University team is using software to dramatically improve the performance of chemical-sniffing mass spectrometers.

Family dynamics cause major stress for Latino immigrant families

Commitment to family is both a driving force and source of hardship for Latino immigrants, according to a Florida State University researcher.