TP-Link NC230, una cámara de vigilancia con visión nocturna por sólo 70 euros
La marca TP-LINK acaba de poner a la venta su nueva cámara de vigilancia NC230, que se puede controlar desde el móvil y actúa como repetidor de la señal wifi. Tiene visión nocturna y vale 70 euros. Leer noticia completa en TP-Link NC230, una cámara de vigilancia con visión nocturna por sólo 70 euros
Europa vota a favor d’evitar talls de llum i gas a famílies vulnerables - Portada - Hace 2 días
El Parlament Europeu ha aprovat avui que “es garanteixi que durant el període d’hivern no es talla l’energia a cap llar i que es reprèn el subministrament a les que ja no en tinguin”. Els eurodiputats van aprovar per 310 vots a favor, 73 en contra i 26 abstencions una resolució de l’hongarès Tamás Meszerics que reclama una “moratòria en la desconnexió de la calefacció”.
Viruses hitch a ride to greater infectivity in insects - latest science and technology news stories - Hace 2 días
An international research team including scientists from Spain, Mexico and the Netherlands have found evidence of a previously unknown interaction between viruses.
British astronaut all set to run London Marathon from space - latest science and technology news stories - Hace 2 días
Britain's first official spaceman, Timothy Peake, says he's ready to run the London Marathon in 1½ weeks—from 250 miles up. But he's not expecting to set a P-R, or personal record.
Plants force fungal partners to behave fairly - latest science and technology news stories - Hace 2 días
Plants react intelligently to their environment: If they can choose between more cooperative and less cooperative fungal partners, they supply the latter with fewer nutrients and thus force them to cooperate more. Based on these findings, scientists believe that plants could also be used to test market and behavioral theories.
The city of angels and flies: 12 unknown scuttle fly species have been flying around LA - latest science and technology news stories - Hace 2 días
Although the second-largest and rather concrete metropolis in the United States might not be anywhere near one's immediate association for a biodiversity hotspot, the fly fauna of Los Angeles is quite impressive. As part of BioSCAN, a project devoted to exploring the insect diversity in and around the city, a team of three entomologists report on their latest discovery - twelve new scuttle fly species. Their study is published in the open access Biodiversity Data Journal.
Using methane rather than flaring it - latest science and technology news stories - Hace 2 días
Chemists at ETH Zurich and the Paul Scherrer Institute have found a new, direct way to convert gaseous methane into liquid methanol. This offers industry the interesting prospect of using the gas, rather than simply burning it off, as is currently the case.
Supernova iron found on the moon - latest science and technology news stories - Hace 2 días
Approximately two million years ago a star exploded in a supernova close to our solar system: Its traces can still be found today in the form of an iron isotope found on the ocean floor. Now scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), together with colleagues from the US, have found increased concentrations of this supernova-iron in lunar samples as well. They believe both discoveries to originate from the same stellar explosion.
Animal-encounter data under-detects hunted species in Amazon ecosystems - latest science and technology news stories - Hace 2 días
Evidence of wildlife passage, such as tracks, scat, fur, and disturbed surroundings, is a more accurate tool for assessing wildlife conservation status than actual encounters with animals, according to an international team of scientists from six universities, including Virginia Tech, publishing Wednesday (April 13, 2016) in PLOS ONE.
Transparency is not a panacea for the resource curse, new study finds - latest science and technology news stories - Hace 2 días
Global campaigns such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) to bring more transparency to the oil and gas sectors in an effort to alleviate the resource curse have yet to live up to their promises, a new study finds.
How to protect nuclear plants from terrorists - latest science and technology news stories - Hace 2 días
In the wake of terrorist attacks in Brussels, Paris, Istanbul, Ankara and elsewhere, nations are rethinking many aspects of domestic security.
UA team revs up connected-vehicle technology - latest science and technology news stories - Hace 2 días
For all their anti-theft, fuel efficiency and satellite radio features, even the priciest new cars still travel on roads using decades-old traffic management technology.
BEPCII luminosity sets world record as 1*10^33/cm^2/s - latest science and technology news stories - Hace 2 días
At 22:29 pm, April 5th, the luminosity of the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPCII) reached 1×1033cm-2s-1, a new landmark in the performance of the BEPCII— 100 times better than before it was upgraded. This is also the highest luminosity yet achieved for such an accelerator in this energy region.
How could we build an invisibility cloak to hide Earth from an alien civilization? - latest science and technology news stories - Hace 2 días
What would it take to hide an entire planet? It sounds more like a question posed in an episode of "Star Trek" than in academic discourse, but sometimes the bleeding edge of science blurs with themes found in science fiction.
What causes air pollution? - latest science and technology news stories - Hace 2 días
By definition, pollution refers to any matter that is "out of place". In other words, it is what happens when toxins, contaminants, and other harmful products are introduced into an environment, disrupting its normal patterns and functions. When it comes to our atmosphere, pollution refers to the introduction of chemicals, particulates, and biological matter that can be harmful to humans, plants and animals, and cause damage to the natural environment.
Unveiling the withering process: A hormone activates organ shedding in plants - latest science and technology news stories - Hace 2 días
During their life, plants constantly renew themselves. They sprout new leaves in the spring and shed them in the fall. No longer needed, damaged or dead organs such as blossoms and leaves are also cast off by a process known as abscission. By doing so, plants conserve energy and prepare for the next step in their life cycle. But how does a plant know when it is the right time to get rid of unnecessary organs? Researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the University of Oslo (UiO) now shed light on this process. It is regulated by receptor proteins located at the surface o... más »